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Everyday Life

The Eagle Church Blog

When You Don't Know What to Pray

My heart is full of a heavy burden, and so I know I must pray (and I want to!). But what to pray? The words are deep within: stuck, small, unsure. Is what I want to pray the right thing to pray? Will God hear me if I pray the “wrong” thing? Does He want to hear these words of mine? Is my heart in the right place to be praying?

Paul’s words in Romans 8 bring such relief to my soul: “the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us . . . the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will” (v. 26-27).

I notice two encouragements:

  1. Even the great Apostle Paul struggled in prayer.

He wrote “our weakness” and “we do not know what we ought to pray” (bold text mine). If the great Apostle admitted his weakness and that he doesn’t always know what to pray, then surely I will struggle with this too! Whew! But, and this is important, he doesn’t let us stop there. We are certainly not off the hook from praying. Paul assumes: even with our human weakness and not knowing what to pray, we will still be praying!

  1. The Holy Spirit intercedes & interprets when believers pray.

When we pray, in essence the Holy Spirit is praying right along with us--helping, interceding. I imagine He is something like a throne-of-God interpreter of my fumblings & mumblings. We can be confident He is interceding for us according to the Word of God and the Will of God--and training us to pray according to this too. What relief! When all I can manage is moaning prayers out of heaviness of heart, the Spirit is there to help. Another Paul assumption: the Spirit can’t help us if we’re not praying--interpreting can only happen if there is something to interpret!

I need to remember: just because I don’t know what to pray doesn’t mean I shouldn’t pray. And, when I pray, the Holy Spirit helps and intercedes for me according to the will of God.

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My heart is full of a heavy burden and I know I must pray and I gladly will! What a God is ours: One Who asks us to pray, and then is faithful to help us do it! Hallelujah!

Friends, let us press on in prayer. It is essential.

Jana Langebartels has been attending Eagle since she and Bryce were married 8.5 years ago. They're parents to 5 children. Jana and Bryce have a heart for children and volunteer with Safe Families and are currently foster parents. Follow along with their family on Jana's blog.