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Everyday Life

The Eagle Church Blog

Our First Step into Local Missions with City Life - Update

1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” On May 20, Eagle Church had the privilege and opportunity to partner with City Life on the near west side of Indianapolis to do just this! We took over 60 from the Eagle Church family and joined forces with over 20 from the City Life family to care for this neighborhood.

As a group, we completed some extensive landscaping projects at Hawthorne Park and at Purpose Park including: digging out stumps, removing overgrowth, mulching, planting flowers, and painting (among other things). We also had groups who were sweeping the streets to clean up trash that had been scattered around.

All this work is meaningful in and of itself; however, it is not the end game. The most exciting things that happened on May 20 cannot be seen. These include the formation of new relationships between City Life students, City Life leaders and the Eagle Church family, a new sense of pride in the Hawthorne neighborhood among its residents, and a bigger vision for Eagle Church of how God is working in our city. These are things that can have an eternal impact, and that is why Eagle Church will continue to be increasing our partnership with City Life.

So, what next? We went into the neighborhood, did meaningful work, and developed some relationships. Now what?

We will continue to “love with actions and in truth.” When we talk about being a church that is hungry for more of God, that wants to pursue God together, and desires to experience everyday life with Jesus, this is one place we can start.

Nothing softens our hearts more for the things that are on God’s heart than getting involved with those things. Nothing brings depth to relationships and community more than diving into Kingdom work together. Nothing helps us prioritize the things of God in our everyday lives more than making intentional decisions to engage in the opportunities God gives us.

There are many more opportunities in the works to continue engaging with City Life and the near west side. As we do this, we don’t want this to be a relationship where we just give a bunch of stuff so we feel better. Rather, we believe God would have us dive into relationships and make disciples. This is the hard work, but this is the lasting work.

Would you consider how you can use your skills, passions, and resources to invest in this community as a teacher, mentor, and ultimately a disciple-maker? If you feel unqualified, be encouraged that “my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).” God doesn’t only use those who are the most qualified or most gifted, He starts with those who are willing!

Stay tuned for more ways to get involved with what God is doing through City Life in the near west-side of Indy!